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 Age of Algorithms is an educational game developed for Creative Skillset. The game is aimed at training Maths skills. The game was developed by a team of for which my role is lead Artist. I was in charge of Game Art, creating the all assets and Graphics for the game. I used Photoshop, 3Ds Max, Unity to create the artworks.

click here to view the link to the game


swan logo

SWAN is a game developed for UCL University, a number sequencing game. This is a game for Android. In this project, my role was Technical Artist, in charge of Game Art design, all game assets, visual scripting with C# in Unity. The applications I used for my task include Photoshop, After Effects, 3Ds Max, Unity

Here is sample images of the game

Click here to see samples of animated game background I created from design to scripting 

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